Partnerships with Betting Companies

At PLAY RESPONSIBLY, we collaborate with betting companies to promote responsible gambling messages on their platforms, fund initiatives, and promote the campaign through their platforms.

Township Free Sports Kit Distribution

Every evening and particularly weekends, there are sport activities happening in every township. For soccer players, they play barefooted, in tattered outfit with no safety measure. Our partnership with betting companies enable us to procure and distribute free sports kits to players and athletes.

Furthermore, in order to increase interest and participation in other sports such as: Netball, Rugby, Cricket, Tennis etc we supply free sport kits to households and schools in township to encourage amateur athletes.

Street Outreach, Educational Workshops and Seminars

We conduct street-by-strret outreach in townships, and workshops in communities, schools, and workplaces to educate people about responsible gambling practices. Our facilitators speak about the psychology of gambling, financial management, and the impact of gambling addiction on individuals and families.

Media Campaign

  • Television and Radio Ads: We create compelling ads that highlight the importance of responsible gambling and share real-life stories of individuals affected by gambling addiction.
  • Social Media: Utilising platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, we share tips on responsible gambling, promote helplines, and engage with the audience through interactive content.
  • Billboards and Print Media: By placing impactful messages in strategic locations to reach a wider audience in townships and cities.